Lecture Leadership and trip to Sandbridge Beach
Madlen Leuffert - March 31, 2016

Slowly our VA Academic Spring trip draws to an end, but we
are motivated and thirsty for an adventure like we were at the first day!
We spent the last day in Norfolk at Webb
Center of ODU and were excited even while breakfast in the hotel because of
the announced presentation of Mr. J. Van Rose.
One part of the group experienced the morning lecture "Management
Sience". Some visited other lectures and wanted to gather impressions
and information about the Department, personally.

For presentation by Mr. J. Van Rose we were warmly welcomed with
delicious food.
Today: American pizza. Hot and greasy!
We didn´t need to be told twice and grabbed a slice of pizza.
Some of us tried American lemonade specialties, more specifically, "Dr.
Unsuspecting, the red and shiny can was opened. Shortly
after a spirited cry: "That´s sweet!" We now decided rather to go
back to a bottle of water. Before the lecture we sat together with our
Professor Mr. Herzog. When asked whether the trip could last longer, everyone
answered promptly:
"The heart says yes, the wallet unfortunately no!"
Not only shopping day had diminished our own budgets, also
treats like burgers, steaks and especially tacos from Taco
We were especially pleased when Dr. John F. Jeff Tanner,
Dean of Old Dominion University's Strome College of Business, welcomed us and
opened the talkt hat day.
Also warmly greeted at the beginning of the presentation by Dr. Ling "Lynn"
Li, a professor at the University of information and technology.
Now a few lines on the presentation by Mr. J. Van Rose.
Already at the beginning there was such a power in the room,
that even students walked along the corridor, stood still and listened to the
Mr. J. Van Rose is a real phenomenon and not only from the
To start a successful career, he gave us tips and compared
these with an eagle which has been representing strength and mind since ancient
1. Set goals and focus!
2. Life balance!
3. Preparation is everything!
4. It´s time to risk!
He was able to give us an understanding
of his personal advice by this comparison. It caused great motivation
for future projects. Everybody liked the presentation, which was also
illustrated by thunderous applause. Of course group picture at the
end was necessary.
Then the group splitted, half went to other lectures, the
others went to Sandbridge

While some of us were listening lecture, the weather was sunny
again and perfect for swimming and sunbathing.
However we still have a small but extraordinary history in
story for you.
Once upon a time a resident saw a canoeist at Sandbridge
Beach, who was traveling from north to south. Suddenly, the resident saw a huge
fountain beside the canoeist. The resident ran through his house quickly and
searched for his camera. He rushed out to the deserted sandy beach, looking
towards the canoeist. Suddenly a whale appeared unexpectedly right next to the
canoeist in the water. The astonished resident pulled the trigger immediately
and shot the picture of his lifetime.
With this beautiful story we say goodbye to the 11th day of
our Virginia Spring Trip.
Kind regards
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